Amplified Aries ~ 10 Mar 2013

Since this post will be about Aries “Me first” kind of stuff, my ad comes first. Following that, some important and useful information.

Coming up, a collection of planets rams its way into Aries and lines up with two of the more cantankerous bodies out there, Uranus and Eris. Yes, the Sun and Venus annually migrate through Aries early in the year; this year turbo-charged by Mars. Mars is under an extra-watchful eye as a solar blast headed its way caused astronomers to shut down exploratory probes investigating the planet. As well, Mars may (very tentative may) be hit by a comet in 2014.

Back to the now and what concerns us, here are notable observations to factor into the fray:

Aries is one of the signs Mars rules.

Aries was one of the constant companions of the discordant and dreaded Eris, everyone’s favorite dwarf planet.

Mars travels Aries March 12 - April 20 (all dates following based upon GMT).

Venus follows suit March 22 - April 15.

The Sun spends its annual month in the Ram between March 20 - April 19.

Mercury whips through Aries April 14 - May 1. Don’t blink!

Since this is all about Aries, brief, attention-span appropriate bullet points follow.

March 22 - Mars to Uranus

> Spontaneity is one thing. Spinning out of control is another.

> Remain focused on the task at hand. No track jumping.

> An internal combustion engine is a controlled, throttled explosion system. How about you?

March 29 - It’s double-barrel transit fun: Both Venus and the Sun pass by Uranus today.

> Ensure everyone sees who you are and what you’ve got by showing up, being bold (not to be confused with obnoxious) and holding nothing back.

> Declare the worth of all your attributes, especially those funky, off-the-wall, Bohemian things you can do.

> Offer viable alternatives to any complaint occupying your consciousness.

> Might be advantageous to review software subscriptions and warranties on electronic devices.

April 9 - Venus to Eris

> No getting mad about being unfriended in social networking (so you can be cool the next few days - see below).

> Create your own social sphere or consciousness club specific to your most exceptional attributes.

> Keep credit card applications in under control. Monitor the urge for impulse purchases and perhaps try out one of those new comparative shopping apps on your phone.

> It’s a great time to review values, needs and wants in the monetary and relational realms.

April 10 - Mars to Eris

> It’s cool to be edgy, innovative and bold. It’s rude and annoying to be a pain in the ass.

> Bridges that are blown up become infrastructure beyond repair.

> Heavy lifting to reverse the course of out of control activities for perspective purposes is likely. It’s hard work to turn the world on its ear and get it and everyone on it in working efficiently again.

April 12 - Sun to Eris

> Keep in mind: No one can condemn your talent, criticize your brilliance, etc. unless you accept the criticism as gospel.

> Include yourself in realms you want to be in by bringing yourself and your best to the table.

> Make clear assessments as to what you value socially, in relationship and how you perceive your status in the mundane world.

> This is a time to nip and tuck for the perfect fit of your psyche in your body, and how you apply yourself to life.

> Anticipate no exclusion. Accept responses from others without attempting to alter their decision/opinion/action regarding involvement with you.

April 20 - Mercury to Uranus

> Harness erratic thoughts. Think just a beat before stating confrontational, controversial or heretic beliefs.

> Locate that inner place of calm and awareness, such that thinking on your feet is grounded and connected with your higher aspirations at all times.

> If you instincts tell you to check a taillight or battery connection or update your most critical software, take the time to do it as soon as you can.

> When staring at the gauges and indicators of life conditions, keep your eyes focused. Avoid the urge to glaze over or permit your attention to wander off into the ethers.

April 27 - Mercury to Eris

> If you want to unfriend someone, just do it. No fair working to annoy another person sufficiently that they unfriend you.

> Put down the banner of cantankerousness. Pick up the flag of we all think/experience this together.

> Consult the spirit of Joan of Arc for advice concerning confronting any adversaries or antagonists.

> Reverse the order of daily activity (drive the other way round the block) as a conscious propitiation to Eris

> Seeking fresh perspectives and unlimited innovation may be wildly fruitful.

Best to note these dates. That way when these same planets trade in the Aries race car for a luxury sedan, metaphorically to speak, others will not perceive you as too prickly to cuddle.

Oh yeah, as each of these bodies range in the early degrees of Aries, they square off against a congregation of binary x-ray eclipsing pulsars occupying early Capricorn. Expect a rush that competes with the franticness of caffeine and sugar in excess. If harnessed, more work can be accomplished than is humanly possible. Contact and contract with your inner super-hero, animated or otherwise.

And as each of the planets passes through the last degrees of Aries they engage a collection of potent black holes in Aries, Cancer and Libra. So...

> Be excellent.

> Emulate no mediocrity.

> Transform boasting into well-integrated confidence.

> Push ego toward soul-based urges.

> Tolerate no substandard relational interactions.

> Nurture yourself well... and first. There’s a reason airlines instruct you to put on your oxygen mask first.

Okay, there you have it. Fast and frantic go the Aries transits. Forewarned is forearmed and fortified to find all facets of ones fecundity.